The Right Solutions for the Fertility Issues

The Right Solutions for the Fertility Issues

Many couples face fertility problems that can affect both men and women. Fortunately, many medical resources are available to promote procreation. But, before taking steps in this direction, it is advisable to wait for a period of about two years of unsuccessful trials.


The main cause of infertility is a problem with ovulation, in 35% of women. Various factors, such as stress, illness, increased physical activity can contribute to disrupting your menstrual cycle. You are probably ovulating, but irregularly. The presence of small cysts on the ovaries can also disturb your ovulation. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the appropriate and specific treatment for each of these problems. You can click here and find the best results there.

Ectopic pregnancies and fallopian tube infections

They are caused by sexually transmitted diseases, more specifically undetected chlamydia infection, and can lead to infertility. In this case, the tubes are blocked, preventing the sperm from reaching the egg, or stopping the egg from moving to the uterus for fertilization.


Endometriosis, another cause of infertility, is a disease characterized by heavy and painful periods. The tissue that covers the uterine membrane extends outside of it and hinders the migration of the egg into the fallopian tubes. Endometriosis can be treated with drugs that can reduce excess existing tissue.


Also called fibroids, fibromyomas are benign tumors that gradually transform the lining of the uterus and can also prevent the implantation of the egg.

In males

Semen quality and quantity of sperm

Poor sperm quality and too low a sperm count are the main causes of infertility in men. Infection, inflammation or the presence of a varicose vein of the scrotum (varicocele) may be involved.

In some cases, the deterioration of the semen results from a sudden illness at an early age and which left after-effects, for example mumps. Sperm damage can also be due to genetic abnormalities or hormonal changes.

On the other hand, a study conducted among sperm donors showed that there was an obvious drop in sperm in ejaculation. According to some, this phenomenon is attributable, among other things, to pollution and stress.

Men should avoid bathing that is too hot or wearing tight-fitting underwear, as heat is a factor that can lower sperm count.


There may also be a complete absence of sperm during ejaculation. We then speak of azoospermia. This problem would come from obstructed excretory ducts or a lack of sperm production in the testicles.

Secondary factors in women and men


Various secondary factors can also affect fertility. In both men and women, fertility gradually declines with age.


Chemotherapy and some drugs used to treat heart disease affect fertility. Check with your doctor or pharmacist about the suitability of this medication.


Too much alcohol consumption can reduce the chances of fertility in women and it affects the quality of semen in men. We invite you to follow this general guideline: one to two drinks maximum per day for a woman and three to four drinks for men.


If you are trying to conceive, it is best to quit smoking. In men, smoking can decrease sperm count or affect sperm quality. In women, it can cause miscarriages and early menopause.


To solve both female and male fertility problems, current medical techniques with regard to assisted procreation are numerous and increasingly sophisticated. The improvement of these procedures, as well as better management of the causes of infertility, should make it possible to further reduce the number of reproductive failures.

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