Questions To Ask When Choosing a Dental Benefit Plan – 99 Dental

Dental Benefit Plan

Are you looking for the best dental benefits plan that covers basic dental needs and maintains oral health? Consider a 99 dental plan! This plan includes treatment like any size filling, scaling and clean, dental pain emergencies, and simple extractions. For all these treatments, all you have to pay is just $99. This plan is announced in the dental industries for the welfare of the people. Today, there are many clinics has been offering 99 dental plan. However, the quality will not be the same in all clinics. So, it is essential to choose the right clinic. To help you with, here in this blog, we have listed a few questions to ask the dentist to find which dentist offers quality dental service under 99 dental plan. Keep reading to learn those.

Top 10 Questions To Ask Your Dentist About 99 Dental Plan

1. Private Health Insurance

Question: With Hicaps, does the clinic offer No Gap payments on the spot if you have private health insurance?

Usually, the dental clinic will accept private health insurance. A good dental clinic should accept Hicaps on No Gap payments (99 dental plan). If they receive, you can shortlist them.

2. Reception Or Receptionist

Question: Do your dental office have a proper receptionist or reception?

The reception at the dental office is one of the big qualities of a good dental place. If there is no reception or receptionist, you can ignore the clinic and pass it on to the others.

3. Privacy 

Question: How large are the treatment rooms? Do your dental office will be a little big and have privacy? Or, the other patients can hear the communication?

The dental clinic should have enough space that saves privacy. If the dental office is too small, and every patient can easily hear what communication is going on, you can ignore them. This is because this type of dental office will probably be rush and you can’t get the treatment in the comfort zone.

4. Comfortable Room 

Question 4: Do your dental clinic have separate and comfortable room for treatment?

The dental office should have a separate room for treatment. And it should have space to walk and breathe. Shortlist the dentist clinic, if they have separate and comfortable room for the treatment.

5. $99 Specific Services

Question 5: What are the dental services, $99 dental plan equipped with?

The dentist should offer the listed services such as

  1. Any size filling
  2. Scaling and clean
  3. Dental pain emergencies
  4. Simple extractions

They can add more service, but should not reduce the number of services. If they offer the dental services that you required, choose them. If not, check out the other dental clinic.


Make use of 99 dental plan by choosing the right dental clinic. The $99 Dentist Clinics you choose should offer quality dental services without compromising the comfort zone

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