Lactose-Free Infant Formula Explained

Lactose-Free Infant Formula Explained

Everyone wants what’s best for their child no matter what that may be. From the best diapers to the most comfortable crib, the choice you make is intended to help your child thrive. Of course, one of the most important choices is what type of formula your infant will consume. While pediatricians always recommended breastfeeding as the best option, high-quality infant formula is equally nutritious.

There is a wide range of different brands and types of infant formula. Some are more suitable for certain infants than others. Although the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends iron-fortified cow milk formula for infants who are not breastfed, not all infants are able to tolerate lactose. Let’s take a closer look at lactose-free formula specifically.

Why Choose A Lactose-Free Formula?

Many infants are either born with a low tolerance or intolerance to lactose. That is a simple way of saying they are unable to drink or eat anything that is derived from milk. Aside from intolerance, a certain percentage of infants are allergic to milk, or rather the lactose that is in milk. Breast milk won’t trigger a reaction in an infant who suffers from lactose intolerance, however, cow milk or a brand like Kabrita infant goat milk will. Lactose-free infant formula is perfectly formulated to give infants all of the nutrients they need to thrive without relying on lactose as a base.

What Is Lactose-Free Infant Formula?

Lactose-free infant formula is not the same as the infant formula that is made from non-animal sources. In fact, the majority of lactose-free infant formula comes from cow milk. Lactose-free infant formula is created by refining cow’s milk or goat’s milk to remove the lactose. That is then replaced with a different form of sugar that won’t irritate your infant.

There is a big difference between cow’s milk-based formula, lactose-free formula, and soy infant formula. Both soy infant formula and lactose-free infant formula are free from lactose, but one of them still contains animal proteins. Most lactose-free infant formula is made from cow milk, so while the lactose is removed, the infant formula still retains cow’s milk protein.

This is important because babies that are intolerant of lactose are not always allergic to cow milk. On the other hand, some babies are allergic to the proteins in cows milk but are not actually allergic to lactose. Aside from having the lactose removed, lactose-free infant formula is the same as every other formula. They provide adequate nutrition for growing babies and are often fortified with added minerals and vitamins.

How Do I Know If Lactose-Free Infant Formula Is Best For My Child?

Infants who are allergic to the protein in cow milk may also be allergic the protein in soy milk. If this is the case, your child will need a specialized infant formula. According to the AAP, the percentage of infants who really need lactose-free formula is low. Many parents are told or believe that lactose-free infant formula can help ease fussiness, but this is not the case.

Infants that are allergic to lactose and those who were born with galactosemia will need lactose-free infant formula. This condition prevents the infant from digesting galactose in a safe manner. Galactose is one of the two sugars that make up lactose. The condition is inherited, so screening tests are often performed at birth to secure an accurate diagnosis. In addition to cow milk, infants who suffer from galactosemia are also unable to breastfeed. They must be given a lactose-free infant formula that is plant-based, and derived from cow milk.

It is important to speak with your pediatrician in regards to your child’s needs. Not all infants who have a low tolerance for cow’s milk formula require lactose-free infant formula. In some cases, switching to goats milk infant formula or even soy infant formula is effective. Most infant formula brands offer a range of specialized milk to meet the needs of all infants. European brands such as (Link Here) offer lactose-free infant formula for babies who can’t digest lactose at all.

What Is Added To Lactose-Free Infant Formula?

Infant formula is specially formulated to meet the needs of growing babies. All stages of infant formula are crafted with the developmental and growth patterns expected at certain ages. Lactose-free infant formulas are enriched with a wide range of vitamins and minerals to ensure each child has all they need to thrive.

Just like cow milk and soy milk infant formula, lactose-free formulas also contain added iron, DHA, zinc, vitamin D, and depending on the brand, even more. Many European brands also offer lactose-free infant formulas that contain probiotics and prebiotics. Although there is no lactose in these particular formulas, that doesn’t mean your child will miss out on the nutrients they need to grow. Instead of lactose, other sugars are included to replace those lost.

There are two forms of lactose-free infant formula. Those that are derived from cow milk with the lactose removed, and those that are created without using any animal milk at all. Depending on the needs of your child, your pediatrician may suggest either one.

What To Look For In A Good Lactose-Free Infant Formula

There is more to choosing a quality lactose-free infant formula than simply selecting the one with the right label. It is important to note if your child is allergic to milk proteins, or if they are simply intolerant of lactose. Also, some infants suffer from a genetic condition that prevents them from consuming milk proteins entirely.

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If your child suffers from a genetic condition, they will need a plant-based lactose-free infant formula. If your child is simply lactose intolerant, then a lactose-free infant formula that is derived from cow milk will suffice. Look for a brand that offers ingredients that are free of GMOs and that come from organic farms. European brands such as Holle and HiPP are great choices because all of their products are created using biodynamic farming methods.

Healthy Feeding With Mommy Formula

Here at Mommy Formula, we care about the health of your child. If you have any questions regarding our European infant formulas or any of our lactose-free formulas, we are happy to help. Leave us a comment down below, or reach out to our customer service via email for more information.

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